Chicago, IL – Bryony Winn, chief strategy and innovation officer for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC), is among Modern Healthcare’s 2019 class of Top 25 Emerging Leaders (formerly Up and Comers). Modern Healthcare, the leader in healthcare business news, research and data, annually honors emerging leaders all age 40 or under, who have made significant contributions in the areas of innovation and financial, operational and clinical excellence early in their careers.

“We are very excited to announce this year’s Top 25 Emerging Leaders who are not letting moss grow under their feet. This next generation of healthcare leaders knows that the challenges facing every sector of the industry demand action now. Modern Healthcare's Top 25 Emerging Leaders bring an entrepreneurial spirit to problem solving,” shared Aurora Aguilar, editor of Modern Healthcare. “We received hundreds of nominations for this year's class of Emerging Leaders. The final 25 chosen by the editorial staff represent the positive force of change that's coming to the industry. We applaud them for these executive’s efforts to improve patient care and create efficient and quality-driven teams.”

“It is an honor to be included among this incredible group of gamechangers in our industry,” said Winn. “As a company, Blue Cross NC is committed to transforming our health care system through a focus on quality, affordability and patient experience. I have the privilege to help lead our efforts to make the health care system work better for everyone.”

Bryony is responsible for Blue Cross NC’s strategy development, business partnerships and corporate development efforts, and actively involved with leading a variety of health-related and educational institutions in North Carolina. She is a member of the UNC Center for the Business of Health corporate advisory board, a visiting fellow in Duke University’s Margolis Center for Health Policy and a board member of the State Employees Credit Union’s Family House. In March 2019, Bryony was one of 127 people in the world named to the Forum of Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum.

This year’s honorees are profiled in the October 14 issue of Modern Healthcare and online at