CHAPEL HILL, N.C. –The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) Foundation will hold a training workshop in Charlotte designed to strengthen the region’s nonprofit sector and give agency leaders guidance for weathering a difficult economy.

Called “Managing Through Tough Economic Times,” the free program will offer ideas to organizations on how to better manage expenses and leverage the money they raise.

“A major focus of ours is strengthening and supporting the state’s nonprofit sector,” said Kathy Higgins, BCBSNC Foundation president. “This is a difficult time for many nonprofits, particularly in the Charlotte area. Our goal with this workshop is to provide local organizations with resources to assist them in not just surviving this downward economy, but to also position them so that they might even advance the work they are doing.”

BCBSNC Foundation hopes to attract 150 professionals, representing as many as 75 organizations in the Charlotte region. Attendees will receive hands-on training and access to nearly 200 tools and ideas for cost cutting and increasing revenue in a difficult fundraising environment. Topics include organizational assessment, communications, developing response strategies, overcoming negativity, where and when to cut, where to look for savings and contingency planning.

The workshop will feature Bill Bennington, founder of BCBSNC Foundation’s Healthy Community Institute for Nonprofit Excellence, a two-day intensive training program that has been attended by more than 1,000 North Carolina nonprofits. A former vice president for training at BCBSNC, Bennington has been recognized by professional societies, corporations and charitable organizations for developing innovative communications programs and for his planning, board development and general management expertise.

The free training is being held at the Harris Conference Center from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on June 23.  Area nonprofits can register at  Attendance is limited and the registration deadline is Friday, June 18.
About The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) Foundation was established in 2000 as a separate, independent, nonprofit entity dedicated to improving the health and well-being of North Carolinians. BCBSNC Foundation’s focus includes: improving health outcomes of populations served by safety-net organizations; increasing physical activity and encouraging healthy eating habits; and increasing the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations.  Since its inception, BCBSNC Foundation has invested $60 million into North Carolina communities through more than 400 grants.