The documents released reveal that North Carolina’s teachers, state employees and taxpayers will pay more and get less under the new State Health Plan contract. Blue Cross NC offered the lowest total cost by more than $17 million as well as the broadest network, making its proposal the best for the state. These documents say nothing on network analysis or disruption to member care, which are of critical importance to Plan members who want to keep their doctors. Blue Cross NC will continue to pursue efforts to discover the facts on this decision and ensure the best outcome for teachers, state employees and North Carolina taxpayers.
Reference Points (from
Slide 12: Total cost for Blue Cross is $17.1M lower than the winning bidder.
Slide 15: If the TPA, fails to meet the pricing guarantees, the TPA would be subject to a penalty that is a percentage of the overage but that would not make the member or the taxpayer whole.
Slide 18: The State Health Plan still has not evaluated network strength and made decisions about network strength based on uncertain network growth without understanding member impacts.